Elections présidentielles
It’s election time in France with the upcoming elections known as Les Presidentielles. The French vote for their president in two rounds, spaced two weeks apart, the first round of which will be held on Sunday April 22, 2012. If there is no decisive winner (50% + 1) on the first round, the run-off between the top two polling candidates will be held on Sunday, May 6, 2012. In order to be a legitimate candidate, a person must first obtain the signatures of 500 elected representatives; ten candidates qualified in 2012.
Here, appearing in alphabetical order are the ten candidates for Président (or Présidente) de la République française 2012, their political party affiliation, and the slogan of their campaign. Drumroll…..
• Nathalie Arthaud, 42 years old, from the political party Lutte Ouvrière (Workers’ Struggle). Slogan: “Une candidate communiste.”
• François Bayrou, 60 years old, from the Mouvement Démocrate party. Slogan: “Un pays uni, rien ne lui résiste” (Nothing Resists A United Country).
• Jacques Cheminade, 71, from the party called Solidarité et progrès (Solidarity and Progress). Slogan : « Le sursaut » (The Jump).
• Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, 51, from the party Debout la République (Republic, Rise up) with the slogan: “Pour une France libre” (For a Free France).
• François Hollande, 57, Socialist party, slogan: “Le changement, c’est maintenant” (Change is Now).
• Eva Joly, 68, from the environmental party known as Europe Ecologie, with slogan « Le vote juste » (The Just Vote).
• Marine Le Pen, 43, from the Front National (National Front party), with the slogan: “La voix du peuple, l’esprit de la France.” (The Voice of the People, The Spirit of France).
• Jean-Luc Mélanchon, 60, from the Parti de Gauche (The Party of the Left). Slogan: “Prenez le pouvoir” (Take Power).
• Philippe Poutou, 45, from the party called: Nouveau parti anticapitaliste (New Anti-Capitalist party). Slogan: “Aux capitalistes de payer leur crise” (Let the Capitalists Pay for Their Crisis).
• Nicolas Sarkozy, 57, from the Union pour un movement populaire (Union for a popular movement). Slogan: “La France forte” (Strong France).
This is a closely watched french presidential election, and polls vary wildly as to the winner, which currently suggest either François Holland or Nicholas Sarkozy in the second round. Whoever wins will preside over the republic for a five-year term. Vive la République !
Source: Website Franc-parler http://www.francparler.org/parcours/politique_election.htm
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